Saturday, January 29, 2011

MMU is now desperado

Back in early times, students need to register earlier and they need to go through a filtering process. In my opinion, that creates a sense of standard towards the university.
Other the other hand, now, almost everyone that registers will be accepted by the university. Worst still when the students can register on the spot during registration day. What does these shows? Not desperate?
On top of that, Head of Operations, Mr.Sentil says that October and January intake is open to cater demands from the public. The demands he mean only satisfies around 50-150 per intake. In example, last two years October intake, less than 50 students turn up for both degree/diploma and foundation level. Last year, there was a slight increase in October intake. But the slight increase does not make much different.
What the university really needs to do is to centralize the operations division and faculties. When the marketers say MMU offers a course, make sure they really do. Commonly, the information travels differs between the marketers and faculty.
Why on earth MMU need so many intakes where there is only small number of students coming in. What if only 10 people applied and the 10 people come from different faculties? Means, the faculty will need to offer a subject just to cater the few people? Such waste on resources! And the faculty will be the one planning a new course structure just to cater the small number of students.
Recommendation: take away the October intake for local students but only allocate January and June intake. Operations are wasting time by putting their resources just to cater this small demand. At the end, the university will lose more in the long run.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Note of apology to Law Students

Pertaining to the previous post titled "Treat us like adults" which could be found HERE, I would like to express my sincere apology to the Law Students of MMU. This is because I have made some remarks on Law Students and being insensitive towards the students. I will try my best to avoid such remarks as it upsets certain parties.

The comment was from Qweety regarding my blog post and I have taken into consideration based on the comments given. Hence, such remarks shall be avoided in upcoming posting.

I would like to apologize to all parties in which felt disappointed/hurt/sad or any means in my previous blog post.

Once again, my apologies.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Demand Truth and Money!

Previously, there was a company called by the name IDDS. This company was designed to help students as in protecting them, giving shuttle service and accomodation.

This sounded like an ideal service provided by an outsourced company. But what went wrong?
Mr. Kesavan (Head of OSH) then have shares in the company. Because of this, he used his wife, Madam Nalini (Head of ABLP) to promote IDDS.

Madam Nalini then used her power to get JPA scholar students into IDDS program. She told that this service is together with MMU. Having the students stranded, the students have no choice but to take it.

Now, until today. Students who are JPA scholar still have not get back their money. How much? RM750! Though RM750 might not sound much to our Datin in Human Resources, but it is a lot for students! Parents have to pay for this and they have not gotten their refund. Until today!

Hence, I would like to ask the students who falls under this circumstances to post your details i.e name, ID, Hp number (if can - but it will be made public).
Please come forth and let the university be the person who see this.

And the reader to judge whether this is morally right or wrong. To the people mentioned, BE RESPONSIBLE!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Declare war with MMU management and TM BOD

I hereby would like to announce that I have launched several stages of action towards MMU's Management. There are 4 more stages to go and by that time comes, MMU will have a clear path for a better university. I hope that you will give continous support. Please do not hesitate to join our Fecebook Group:

Facebook Group

Hits in 3 days

As the owner of this blog, I would like to announce that this blog has hit total hits of 4133 since my first posting dated on 21st January.

Thank you.

Treat students like adults

Many students tend to say that the security officer and staffs does not treat students as adult. The question is, do you act as an adult. You may think that you are a customer and you should be getting the service that you want. Fine by me.

However, the simple ideology in handling humans.. Before you wish others to respect you, you first need to respect others.

Hence, scolding the guards saying "Do you know I pay your salary" makes you think you are an adult?
Parking along Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama (In front of EP) makes you think you are an adult?
Vandalism i.e. playing with the fire extinguisher makes you feel like and adult?
Wearing slippers and shorts as well?

Teat others how you want to be treated..

Students as well complaint that the guards give them a very "horny" look when they dress sexy. The students who complaint this the most comes from the Law School (though you do not have your own building). First, I think to myself why on earth will the student complaint when she is the one asking for it.

Since most of them are law student. Let's talk in a language law students can understand. Here is the senario:

When you enter a shop and purchase something, the price given is an invitation. And the person who purchase the product would be the offer. The person at the cashier who accepts the money would be the receiver. Clear?

Ok, so, back to the senario. If a girl were to wear sexily, its and invitation to treat. Is it not?
And can also be categorized as an offerer. While the person who looks at you, are the accept-er as you have offered.

In short, when you dress in such a way, do not complaint that there are people looking at you.

PS: You should be angry when you dress sexy and no one looks at you. Looking at you means admiring you.

MMU's Culture is dying

Compare MMU's events for the past few years, events now are decline. More lame events and unmet event objective has been carried out.

Is it because of:

a) Facebook?
b) Packed classes?
c) Do no care?

MMU's graduate is famous in the industry as they are creative, responsible and quick. But what I can observe, this strength might not stay for long. Students are getting more self centered and does not participate in events. One of the reasons could be the stressful academic schedule and results of the senate's brilliant idea by having 21 credit hours in the long trimester.

But I would like to convery this message to all students. No matter how and what you think of students activities, you should be part of it.

Students activities i.e. clubs and societies allows you to make mistakes and learn from it. By the time you make mistakes in the industry, you will be fired. So, get of the computer, do not give excuses and participate. Students tend to give many excuses i.e. "I have exam tomorrow", "I have important class", "I have assignment to complete".

All this reason, I have been hearing it since day 1 I am in MMU. What is the problem? Its you yourself! You have problem managing your time. Why you have to do things last mninute. Students even tend to pay fees last minute. i.e. a student have exam on Monday 9am and have finally decided to pay the fees. The student decided to pay on Sunday (1 day before exam). If I were you, I would have stay at home and repeat all the subjects.

Please do not be a last minute person. Exam is coming and please print your exam slip much earlier.

Academic Calander

Once again, MMU has successfully implement things without referring to the students. The so called new academic calender does not have midterm break.

This clearly shows how crazy that can this be. Students will have no stop study as we usually have our break in week 8. Now, our midterm break is on Hari Raya. I guess that this will not have problem for the management as quite a number of them are Muslims. But have the university considered us (the students) as the stakeholders? 

MMU predicted that the holidays will fall where it suppose to be in this academic calender. And the genius Centre of Quality Assurance (CQAE) that designed this year's calender in a way that none of the holidays predicted fall where it should be.

Now, the question is, what makes they think that the holidays distribution will fall where it suppose to falls again then? What if the real Hari Raya falls one week before the midterm break? Will the university declare 2 weeks of holiday?

The university again are not sensitive with our multi-race and diversed country. Is it not common sense to know that 24th December is a day where the Christians should go to church? Does it not need common sense that 20th January should be a holiday for Indian students? And how does it feels to have Chinese New Year right before the exam?

This university's management has really not learn their mistakes and have been repetitively doing it over and over again. What is so hard about this matter? Why other universities does not have problem while only MMU has this problem? This is the result of the university change LSL(Long, Short, Long) to LLS (Long,  Long, Short)

Recommendation to the university: Kindly refer and use other university's calender as a guide. Do not be ego by having our own "unique" calender.

Conclusion of Mis-management

Things became worst when too much of political steer that have changed the university. Students are putting bright hope towards our new president, Prof.Dato’ Rasat. However, how much and what can he do if there is too much influence from Telekom Malaysia (TM)? The TM Board of Directors has been appointing non-academic staffs into the university and has been holding the key roles of the university. We are lucky enough that one of the staff, Madam Noor Lela Baba is able to understand and think what’s best for the students. Other than that, there is no one! TM is simply too money oriented and how could TM expect MMU to make profit when we are not suppose to. MMU is now stand alone financially and please look at our university’s condition; outdated facilities, broken chairs, tables, bad projector output and so many to be listed. Where our money went to? 

Mismanagement comes in when TM put their hands into MMU too much even in hiring contractors. TM has forced MMU to take in more expensive contractors. In an example, TM force MMU to repair the 35 year old building (hostel) that cost RM9million but to build a new building will only cost RM10million. What is the logic behind this? TM has been controlling the money, human capital, R&D, technology and etc. MMU would have moved further if only TM does not influence in the decision making (including senate). In example, TM has appointed Datin Sri Sharifah Aamenah Sheikh AlJunid as the Senior Director of Human Capital Management in which she has not handled any human resource work. She got the position because her husband has a high rank position in TM.

Does this not have anything to do with conflict of interest? Is this the reason why more PhD holders are leaving MMU? Some time ago, there was a company named IDDS that approached MMU and they promised to provide services to MMU. MMU accepted their offer without knowing that Mr.Kesavan (Manager of OSH) have shares and commission from IDDS. How come Mr.Kesavan is involved? It's because Madam Nalini (Head of Admission) is Mr.Kesavan's wife! And again, conflict of interest? What did the HR department did about this? NOTHING!!

MMU have been known with our diverse skill and creativity. However, MMU’s now changing as students are not too tense up in academic. Hence, students have no heart to join events and participate in co-curricular.

Conclusion, MMU can do way better without TM influence! Telekom, TAKE BACK YOUR STAFF WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND ACADEMIC! They are too profit making. MMU is making profit, but where does the profit goes? Back to TM to service the loan! (WITH INTEREST)! If MMU does not need to pay back to TM, will they need to charge high fees? special fees? Now who is making profit? TM or MMU?

Upon having the new President, few people includes:

1) Datin Sri Sharifah Aamenah Sheikh AlJunid
2) Prof. Dr. Tou Teck Yong
And a few more people who are the people's informer which includes:

1) Mr. Kesavan S/O A Arumugam  
2) Madam Nalini D/O R.S.Pragasam  

What did they do? The are the mastermind behind this. They made the new President listen to them. Refirmishment work was stopped because of them! FAIR GAME? The new President is a good person (student oriented) but not the people around him and influencing him.

Not Transparent

Students’ Trust Fund (STF) which was imposed by Student Affairs Division as it will be used for Club and Societies budget. For many years, the management has failed to produce its transparency though students were the one have been paying for it. 

Assuming MMU students pay RM8000 per year and there are 20,000 students who paid this amount, MMU will be having RM160 Million. And the Chief Finance Officer says this sum of money is not enough to run the university. On top of that, Ex-Melaka Campus Director, Prof. Datuk Dr. Omar said that MMU have been paying about RM 80 million to Telekom Berhad as service of loan. The total loan taken was RM135 Million and was suppose to due in 2014 (RM135milion is with 3.5% interest). If this claim is true, which part shows Telekom’s co-operate social responsibility?

As a student of Multimedia University, I do not think all these justification and Mismanagement should continue to take place. The higher management of the university is employees from Telekom Berhad and they are profit making people. This group of people is not suitable to be in education sector. On behalf of the students in MMU, we want transparency from the management. Students did not get the services that we have paid for. MMU management is consistently getting more students into MMU but fail to think the current condition and capacity of the university. This is all because of MISMANAGEMENT.

MMU's Vision and Mission

One of MMU’s missions is “To deliver quality academic programmes based on state-of-the-art R&D”. MMU students’ have been paying IT fees and fail to have proper IT equipment. The fees were imposed in 2008 as the university claims that they need money to increase the bandwidth of the university.  However, it has been two years but there are no additional IT equipments. Back in MMU Melaka, students have to look at the blur projector screen and have been there for about four months. Where all the money did went to? Students have bad connectivity and low bandwidth in campus which was better off before. The outdated computers in lab are still being used despite paying all these money. Have our money went to some one’s pocket? 

Check out how "good" is the computers around and is that multimedia? I think most students have better computers.

Mis-Managed University

The ideology if Mis-Manged University started recently, as it got worst when the management started implementing several policies and implementation which have sparked student’s anger. The management imposed:

1) No refund after week 2
2) 100% payment before exam
3) Fixed Fees to be paid every trimester

Upon knowing this implementation takes place, Students’ Representative Council (SRC) lead by Mr.Gavin Clement Fernando has asked for the management’s justification. After meetings between the management and SRC, the management then agreed to address this to the students. 

On 10th November 2010 and 11th November 2010, Town Hall session was conducted by SRC as for the management to address these to the students. Both Cyberjaya and Melaka had that session and more than 500 students per campus turned up. The outcome of the meeting was clear that students clearly against these implementations. After the Town Hall session, six SRC and six students had a meeting scheduled on 30th November 2010 for negotiations regarding these policies. Lucky enough, the management and the students had an agreement and the three policies were amended.

However, above all this three policies, there is an implementation that has caused students to leave MMU. It was the implementation of 21 credit hours (7 subjects per trimester).  Students from Faculty of Management (FOM), Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) and Faulty of Information Science and Technology (FIST) have imposed this. New students now have to take 7 subjects and to be completed in 14 weeks. This was the major outbreak among the students as they now need to cope with more subjects, assignments and etc. Until now, there isn’t any proactive solution towards this matter.

Above all, Mis-Managed does not affect academically, but the whole system in MMU.  Students in MMU need to pay several fees which include library fee, IT Fees and Student’s activity fees. On library fee, the Chief Finance Officer, Ms. Noor Lela Binti Baba claimed that she have signed more than RM9 million cheque in a year. On top of that, students do not even see any new books as claimed by the library. Things became worst when students do not even have proper magazine to read and have only one set of newspaper to cater. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Telekom VS MMU =Mis-Managed University

The day I entered MMU is the day that I wanted myself to be a better person.


I love MMU so much that I could not stand it anymore. Read and find out if you think MMU is making profit! Hence, following is the story!:

Back at the late decade, Multimedia University was known as Telekom University. Later, the name changed from Telekom University to Multimedia University. Upon changing the name, the first nickname given was Mahathir Mohammad University as a symbol of respect to the university’s chancellor, Tun Siti Hasmah. However, as time moves on, the name then changed to Money Making University as the university was known as its blood sucking fees imposed towards the students. However, now, I am going to label MMU as Mis-Managed University as the management team of MMU has failed to deliver what’s best for the students.